Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby Beatrice Blanket

FIVE of my girlfriends were expecting this year! A baby blanket is the perfect gift. I ended up knitting and crocheting a total of five different baby blankets, and I feel that now it’s time to share with you the first UniqueCreazioni baby blanket written and charted pattern. The babies were four boys and Beatrice, the only baby girl, she is a beauty with a lot of dark hair. She’s got an important name and I think it suits perfectly my design as well. Baby Beatrice Blanket.

Quest'anno ben Cinque mie amiche erano in stato interessante!!! Le copertine per neonato sono il regalo che prediligo. Mi sono ritrovata a realizzare 5 copertine. Qui di seguito troverete il mio primo UniqueCreazioni design pubblicato. Sono nati quattro maschietti e Beatrice, l'unica femminuccia! E' bellissima con tanti capelli neri. Le hanno dato un nome importante che va benissimo anche per il mio pattern. Baby Beatrice Blanket.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Contiguous Shawl

After a long long break I'm glad to announce you my new Published Design!
        Contiguous Shawl is the first shawl of a series of three.  It is a wide triangular shawl, where the ridges are contiguous. It can be wrapped around your neck and have some left.  This textured shawl shows off perfectly the richness of semisolid hand dyed socks yarn. The purple skein of yarn I used for this pattern was gifted to me by the dyer/friend/knitter. All this time it has been there, calling for the right pattern. Dig into your stash, I’m sure there’s a skein waiting to become Contiguous…
Let’s start to rock and roll! 

Dopo una lunga pausa finalmente pubblico un nuovo Design!
        Contiguous Shawl e' il primo scialle di una serie di tre nuovi design. E' una scialle triangolare molto ampio che puo' essere avvolto intorno al collo piu' volte. Il design di questo scialle e' appositamente studiato per mettere in evidenza la ricchezza dei filati tinti a mano con le tonalita semisolide. Per realizzare questo scialle ho usato una matassa di filato per calzini donatomi da ceciknits che lo ha tinto a mano. Tuffati nel tuo stash sono sicura che troverai un filato che sta aspettando di essere trasformato in Contiguous...


Sunday, December 9, 2012

S W E A T E R? My kind of challenge

As you might already know I'm a shawls addicted, I've never counted how many shawls I have knitted during my "career". I'm not sure I want to know it either!
As a therapy to cure my condition I try to knit at least one sweater during every solar year. I was toward the end of November 2012 and there was no sweater on my needles. A strong action needed to be taken...

I have been reading on several Ravelry forums of this new Contiguous Method, I loved the FOs (finished objects) shared in so many Ravelry's projects pages. I wanted to try to knit a sweater with the contiguous too!

In the past I found myself with several UFOs (unfinished objects) and of course I'm referring to sweaters. I'm so bad, I feel guilty. In order not to have a UFS (unfinished sweater) sitting around the house I use some tricks. The most effective one is: Test Knitting one. If I have a deadline to respect, I'm a perfect pupil!

I did it. I test knitted a sweater with the "slanted contiguous method". I have to confess it was a challenge to understand the pattern. After a couple of false attempts and some great help from the designer and a new found raveller friend Daniela I'm finally wearing O N C E:

This is a winner. I will definitely knit more sweaters with the slanted contiguous. It follows the natural lines of the shoulders much better then the classical reglan sweater.